
Tournament Format:

  1. Pool play or bracket play, 2-3 games
  2. Tournament Policies & Regulations:
  3. All players must have the same jersey color, with their individual numbers on the back. The second team listed is the home team and the home team will wear white (or lighter color jersey). All players must have the same jersey color, with their individual numbers on the back.
  4. 5-minute warm-ups – Time permitting - Clock starts immediately.
  5. Games will be played as scheduled. Game time is forfeit time.
  6. A team must have four players to start a game and three players to finish. Once a team is down to two players regardless of the score, the game is over and the team with two players loses.
  7. 1st grade will use a 27.5” ball. An intermediate-sized ball (28.5) will be used for all girl’s games and in the 2nd thru 6th-grade boy’s divisions (AAU rules). However, a 29.5” ball may be used in 6th grade if both coaches agree. In a mixed-age division (6/7th), the older grade will determine the ball size.
  8. Players must compete in their own grade classification, with the exception that players in a lower grade may participate in an older division.
  9. A player may only play for one team (per grade division) during the tournament. At the discretion of the tournament director, some age brackets may be combined based on team registrations or level of play.
  10. Teams will be responsible for supplying a scorekeeper or someone to run the clock. We ask that you use good judgment in having a responsible individual fulfill this assignment.
  11. Coaches must check-in at the registration table. A maximum of 2 coaches will be allowed free admission.
  12. Teams should arrive at least 20 minutes before game time. Remember, game time is forfeit time.
  13. No refunds within 2 weeks of the tournament. One Day Shootouts is not financially responsible for forfeits or weather conditions that cause game cancellations. The tournament expenses have been paid in advance.

Tournament Rules – Local state interscholastic rules are used with the following exceptions:

  1. There is an admission charge for adults and children ages 5+ (coaches are free – max 2 per team).
  2. Length of Game: Two 18-minute halves with running clock – clock stops during the last minute of the 1st half and the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half. The clock will also stop on time-outs, injuries, and whenever the game is delayed (wet surface, ball stuck on the rim, referee discussions, etc.).
  3. Timeouts: Three 1-minute timeouts per game, to be used in either half of the game. One additional timeout for overtime period. Any calls for a time-out after your limit will result in a technical foul.
  4. Overtime: If teams are tied at the end of regulation, the overtime period will be sudden death. The first point of any kind will end the game.
  5. Defense: All defenses are allowed, including zone & full-court press. No press or half-court trapping after a 15-point lead. No press or zone allowed for grades (3rd - 5th), except for the final (2) minutes of the 2nd half, and the last (1) minute of overtime.
  6. The clock will continue to run if there is a 20-point lead (last 10 minutes only).
  7. Pools and brackets will be decided by the following tiebreakers – head-to-head (2 teams), point differential, points scored, points against, coin flip.
  8. Player fouls and team fouls will be played under the IHSA rules. This includes bonus and super bonus.
  9. Technical Fouls: All technical fouls are an automatic 2 points and the ball.
  10. Two technical fouls on a player or coach will result in immediate ejection and a suspension for the following game. The coach or player must leave the bench/game area immediately and may no longer participate in any way.
  11. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: In the event that a coach has been issued 2 technical fouls and will not leave the bench area, he/she will have to leave the building immediately or his/her team will be disqualified. The coach will not be allowed to coach any of the remaining games in the tournament.
  12. Coaches are responsible for fans and players. Abuse of officials by fans may result in technical fouls being called on the coach or ejection from the premises. Any unbecoming conduct, fighting, or use of profanity will result in a technical foul, ejection from the tournament facility, or elimination from the tournament or league (without refund).
  13. The referees have full authority on the court. Protests will not be allowed.
  14. The Tournament Director or Site Director has the final authority on all rules and interpretations.